Corona the killer of May Day
The first day of may month is being celebrated as an International Labour Day, May Day , working class day, May Divas, Mazdoor Divas etc etc.. on this day thousands of labour killed during protest , many years ago on their demand of eight hours working in Industry, Factory, Office's , Bank, Private companies.
On this May day, International holiday day is being announced by World Tade Organization and all office, Industries, factory, commercial units closed and celebration done By employee's , labour, staff, mazdoor, working class.
But it is the Dark day on 1.5.2020 , May Day due to Covid Corona Virus killed more than one lakh of people's world wide. The corona virus which spreads From Buhan city of China to Africa, America, Italy, France , Germany the entire Europian countries, Arab Nation's, South east Asia, gulf country and India.
This year the May Day is became a Black day because the world wide Lock down that means complete closed Industry along with Labour, man , women, Transport system, Train service , Air services etc etc.
This covid Corona Virus infected all over the world killing 50,000 people's in a day or too. It has no Medicine , no vacacine till date in any country. The situation is dangerous for Humanity due to this epidemic Corona.
The lock down is the reason why the May day is not celebrated world wide this year 2020. the working class was locked in their houses, factories, buildings, home's, hospitals, town's, cities, metro city , villages etc etc.
So by this way we can say Corona the killer of May Day 2020.
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