Death During Lock Down Due to Corona Virus In India

As we all know the entire world is fighting against corona virus covid 19. All countries except America has done nation wide lock down in Europe. The situation has gone out of control in Italy, france, Britain, china, Spain, Iraq, Iran and other countries. Every day more than fifty thousand people's are dying due to infection of corona virus covid 19.

But before corona India and other countries are suffering due to death of poor farmer's, labour, factory workers, daily labour's, cart driver's, shop kipper's etc etc on hunger, starvation, hunger death...

Many boys ,girls, women, youth, middle aged,  elderly people's are traped  in this Lock down in all parts of India specially in Delhi NCR, Mumbai, Kolkata, chennai, Lucknow, hyderabad, banglore, punjab, rajasthan, Bhopal, Bihar, West Bengal etc etc..

The factory's, market's, store's, Industries , offices , transportation ,railways every thing is lock down the landlord are asking for rent, the factory owner's are not giving salaries, the shop and markets are closed the question of Hunger , starvation's and death before corona viruses arises in all over the world specifically Indian situations are in alarming conditions. The poor family's had started migrations from city, metro city to their home town, villages, blocks by walking on roads, highway, GT roads even railway track's.

They all are hungry with family of Small boy's, girl's, women and elderly people's from two to three days but after Media reporting the state and Central government had taken initiatives for arrangement of Buses for all.

This lockdown is done to make social distance between people's to stop spreading of corona virus but this movement of people in bus station in thousands , gettoghter In one place, touching of hands, body, etc etc .. This is a very dangerous content for spreading corona virus.

The corona virus  infected people are infecting to thousands of  indian in Buses, in city , in villages every Second .... the situation can be dangerous.


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